Presidential Power And The American Political System

In The 20th and early part of the 21st Century the critical source of power has become centered on expertise. As a people, we have become more specialize and know more and more about less and less. Government agencies also reflect this phenomenon Elected leaders are therefore less capable of overseeing the bureaucracy that they have created to assist them into carrying out their public policy. As a result,the struggles for power is not confined to conflicts between the President, Congress and with the Courts but in a sub arena known as the Politics of Bureaucracy. These struggles can be seen with the Intelligence, the Pentagon or the Environmental Protection Agency and a host of lesser known bureaucratic entities
Today, in the United States, the most fundamental and dynamic struggles for power occur not in elections for public office, the Halls of Congress or in the conflict between the President and the Congress, but in the more convoluted arena, known as the politics of bureaucracy. These struggles can be seen with the Pentagon, the Environmental Protection Agency, The Security Exchange Commission and a host of lesser – known bureaucratic entities.
Each bureaucracy seeks power to achieve status, authority, and resources to survive. In American politics it is universally accepted that bureaucracies need to cultivate political support independent of the president. This is because of the principles of separation of powers and federalism. The Congress of the United States is given enormous authority over the bureaucracy. Furthermore federalism prevents the president from having a centrally controlled party whereby he can count on the members of his party to support his proposals and initiatives with regard to each policy area and each bureaucracy. In addition, a bureaucracy may desire more permanent support and freedom from the president, especially if his policies are at variance with the interests of a bureau.
As a result of these accepted principles, political analysts have focused on the various quid-pro-quo arrangements that develop between a bureau and its various constituents,
which include interest groups, congressional subcommittees, other government bureaus, and the president. The issue is one of accountability and democracy!

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